Welcome to a Sexy, Open World Releases Soon

MOONSTONE Cherry is at it again with another manga game.

It’s always exciting when new games get announced: especially when they’re by developers that you know have a track record of creating great content. MOONSTONE Cherry came out with Imouto Paradise over a decade ago and it was received with great critical acclaim. Now we’ve got a fantastic new game to look forward to, and it’s called “Welcome to a Sexy, Open World”.

There’s a YouTube video devoted to the release of the game: I’d embed it, but because it’s age restricted, that’s not going to happen. What I can do is tell you that it’s likely going to be released in August and will be made available for Windows as a download. It’ll have English subtitles, but voiced entirely in Japanese. Fans of hentai games and visual novels will also be pleased to hear that it won’t be censored – the pixels aren’t going to be there for this game, and that’s a promise!

Manga Gamer were kind enough to provide some teaser images from the game: we’ve hosted them for your convenience. Are you ready to take on the role of a young man who was transported into a whole new world where every woman wanted to fuck him? If so, prepare yourself for Manga Gamer’s release of this stellar title!

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